Special Offerings of Racial Healing Circles
Join the members of the Joint Truth, Racial Healing, and Transformation Committee of Scotch Plains/Fanwood in follow-up community conversations
All Are Welcome!! into a safe, brave, non-judgmental space with trained facilitators. This is a valuable impactful experience where attendees share stories about their own lived experiences and recognize we all have more in common that different.
Please select one of the following three opportunities to participate in Racial Healing Circles: (Select One)
Friday, April 14, 2023 - 9:00am - 10:30am - JCC of Central Jersey, 1391 Martine Avenue, Scotch Plains, NJ
Thursday, May 1, 2023 - 7:30pm - 9:00pm - Scotch Plains/Fanwood Board of Education Office, 512 Cedar Street, Scotch Plains, NJ
Each Racial Healing Circle will adhere to the following schedule:
Arrive 15-30 minutes early - Refreshment Available
Welcome from Facilitators
2-3-minute video
Participants Introductions
Group Agreements
Interactive Sessions of Pairs
Comments from Participants
Closing Remarks from Facilitators