Dialogue Circles on Race Registration

Dialogue Circles are Back!

Beginning the week of March 6, 2022, the Summit Interfaith Council Anti Racism Committee will once again offer Dialogue Circles on Race: facilitated (virtual) conversations about race and systemic racism in American society.

The spotlight on the deaths of Black men and women at the hands of police, along with the persistent racial disparities across numerous domains, continues to awaken more Americans to the deadly, violent consequence of structural racism. As a result, many of our community members express a strong desire to engage in honest, difficult conversations about race and structural racism. Dialogue Circles on Race present one such opportunity. Dialogue Circles have been offered since 2015 and have reached more than 600 community members in central New Jersey.

A Dialogue Circle (with 6- 15 participants) meets for five weeks, for two hours at a time. Co-led by trained facilitators, the group members discuss challenging readings, learn to listen deeply to one another’s experiences, and move forward in their individual journeys toward understanding and dismantling structural racism. A shared commitment to attending all five sessions ensures that participants will experience the full curriculum and can develop trust and connection within the group.

If you have not yet participated in Dialogue Circles on Race, you can sign up for Curriculum 1.0below.

If you have already participated in Dialogue Circles, consider signing up for Curriculum 2.0 with new readings and even more powerful conversations below.

Registration ends February 14, 2022.

Questions? Contact us at summitantiracismcommittee@gmail.com.

Please share this message with friends who might be interested in Dialogue Circles.

Click for more information and 1.0 signups.

Click for more information and 2.0 signups.

Summit Interfaith Council Anti-Racism Committee

Email: summitantiracismcommittee@gmail.com

Social Justice Matters