SJM's Response to the verdict in the trial for the Murder of George Floyd

Social Justice Matters, Inc. was heartened by the verdict in the George Floyd trial in Minneapolis.

Elation spread across the country within seconds of the verdict. It was a respite from the unforgettable details of Derek Chauvin’s knee bearing down on Floyd’s neck for an excruciating 9 minutes and 29 seconds.

But, as important and welcome as the verdict is, the fact is that it is just one verdict. It doesn’t mean an end to police brutality or systemic racism. It’s only a temporary solace against a backdrop of increasingly disturbing developments, such as efforts to restrict voting access. The case of George Floyd is seared onto our nation’s history and our individual consciences.

The verdict can, however, be viewed as a beginning. It can spur us to find ways of defining the parameters of the monumental work ahead, including the need for reform in police interactions with the public. The courts are not the place to solve this. At that point, it’s too late.

The lesson of the tragedy of George Floyd’s death is clear: We need to work harder to find our common humanities so we can affect positive change.

Social Justice Matters saw a rise in membership and community involvement immediately after the death of George Floyd. The verdict must spur us to double down on our efforts as we work toward a more equitable community by doing our part to move the needle from accountability to true justice. Let us move forward together as a community.

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Social Justice Matters