SJM juneteenth Design contest K-12

Do you like to draw and use your imagination to create new designs? Social Justice Matters, Inc. announces a contest for artists in grades K-12 with you in mind! There are prizes, and winners will be honored at our Juneteenth Celebration! Winning designs will be featured on items at our Juneteenth celebration, and even throughout the year on SJM communications.

For official Guidelines and rules, click here

To submit the artwork, click here if you have a Gmail account.

If you do not have a Gmail account, please send an email with your child’s artwork attached, labeled with the artist’s name and grade to . Please also include the following information in the body of your email: Artist’s name, grade, email (if you wish to share), address, phone # (household phone is fine), parent or guardian’s name and contact information. Please signify that you have read the agreement below:


I give my consent to Social Justice Matters to use my minor child’s artwork for promotional purposes, for website documentation, and for media press releases.

I understand that neither my minor child nor I will receive compensation for the use of this likeness or for exhibition of this artwork, except in the event of competitive prizes.

I understand that care will be taken in handling this artwork, but I will not hold SJM responsible for loss or damage to this artwork.

Social Justice Matters, a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, does not trade, sell or share the information below or make solicitations based on it.

For more about SJM, click here

Social Justice Matters